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Daryl Hayes

Associate Director

Daryl Hayes brings deep and varied experience to Global View Capital Advisors in North Carolina. He has four years of experience in the financial services industry, holding a Series 65 securities registration as well as his life and health insurance license. He’s worked in the real estate industry for decades and continues to do so as a licensed realtor and real estate broker. Additionally, Daryl is an entrepreneur multiple times over, owning several different businesses over the last 35+ years.

When it comes to investments and insurance advice, Daryl loves to help people understand what’s needed from a financial perspective, and help them plan for their future with confidence. “In choosing to work in this profession, I seek to empower clients with knowledge to make their own decisions about insurance and investing. I feel I am different than other advisors out there because I do not like to see people taken advantage of; I like to explain things and let people ask questions. Through relaxed conversations, I am able to assess needs and discuss strategies that might provide more financial security for a client’s future,” he says. “Success grows out of cultivating relationships through knowledge and understanding. My goal is to inform and empower others to be in control of their finances.”

Born and raised in Winston Salem, North Carolina, Daryl decided to go into the Navy as a young man. He was trained at multiple locations as a cryptologic technician, which required security clearance at the highest level as well as complex problem-solving skills.

Daryl currently resides in Mocksville with his wife. He enjoys working with the community, and he is the president and founder of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit missions ministry to help the Karenni people of Burma, also known as Myanmar. He is also the chairman of the missions committee in his local church.

GVCA in North Carolina:

Meet the Team

Design • Grow • Protect

At Global View Capital Advisors in North Carolina, we base our customized plans on your unique ambitions, objectives and life dreams. We like to work with individuals, couples, and families early when planning for retirement and we pledge to stay by your side throughout your lifetime and beyond through the generations. Although we provide boutique, hands-on service, we have access to financial strategies usually reserved for the nation’s most elite investors; we can scale up or down to meet your needs. Our advisors are guided by the fiduciary principle—placing you and your best interests first and foremost at all times.

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Get Your Score Today!

The Social Security Risk Score®

You can’t have a complete retirement income plan without Social Security. In fact, $400,000 is the average amount a retiree will receive from Social Security during retirement. Now imagine that amount gets slashed by 23%! Would that derail your retirement goals? We believe all of our clients should, as part of their retirement plan, know their Social Security Risk Score. Don’t let your retirement plan be subject to political football. Let’s find out how at-risk you may be for cuts to your Social Security!

Get My Score!

Asset Management

Tap into innovative asset and investment management, where you’ll have access to hundreds of strategies and a wide variety of products that can provide you an edge in the market. The best part is, there’s downside protection for everyone.

Wealth Management

Comprehensive wealth management includes invested assets as well as other strategies as part of your well-rounded financial plan. We work with individuals, couples and families to manage their wealth through the generations, starting with your unique goals and objectives.

Retirement Planning

Starting your retirement plan early can give you the best chance to retire and stay retired living your desired lifestyle. We help with Social Security planning, Medicare choices, tax-efficient distribution planning and much more, and we stay by your side for life.

Estate Planning

If you have a family and/or assets, you need an estate plan. We work with estate attorneys to help you pass on a tax-advantaged legacy to your heirs and/or charities, documenting your desires for a stress-free transfer of wealth which can bypass probate.

Tax-Efficient Distribution

If you have a large amount of assets saved in taxable accounts like traditional 401(k)s or IRAs, you may have less money for retirement than you thought. By working in advance, we can help you develop an optimized retirement income plan with the goal of achieving tax efficiencies.

Long-Term Care Planning

People can be surprised to find out that Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care, and they need another option to pay for potential assistance they may need with daily living activities as they get older. There are many strategies to provide funds, and we can help you compare them.

Our Services

Design • Grow • Protect

Global View Capital Advisors offer a wide range of services that can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of individuals, couples and families. We provide personalized services with the resources of a world-class firm, using our expertise and premier tools to develop customized plans that align with your unique financial goals.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Design • Grow • Protect

At Global View Capital Advisors in North Carolina, we take the time listen, share ideas, and see if we’re a good fit to work closely together to design, grow, and protect your wealth through the generations. Call us at (336) 745-8060, email us at, or send us a message here.

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Call: (336) 745-8060

Fax: (336) 283-3279

Global View Capital Advisors
North Carolina
Design • Grow • Protect

301 North Main St., 24th Floor – Suite 2443
Winston Salem, NC 27101-3885